Procedure of Reviewing Manuscripts

Procedure of Reviewing Manuscripts in Journal

"Proceedings of Universities. Electronics"

      All scientific papers, entered the editing board of the journal «Proceedings of Universities. Electronics», are the subject of obligatory one-sided reviewing (the reviewer knows the authors of the manuscript, the authors of the manuscript do not know the reviewers).

The reviewers are doctors and candidates of sciences, experts in the given specific area, working both in the Russian and foreign institutes, research and production institutions.

1. The paper presented by an author is preliminarily estimated by the editorial staff and may be right away rejected as not corresponding with the Journal profile.

2. The registered paper is presented to the editing board, and a reviewer, both as a part of the editing board and an outward one, is assigned. The reviewers are doctors and candidates of sciences, the specialists in the given specific field, who work in universities, research and production institutions.

3. After receiving a preliminary consent of a reviewer the editing board sends the paper with the questionnaire-form to him. The review form has been worked out by the editing board and has been accepted from the date of foundation of the Journal. Reviewing is one-sided anonymous (blind: the name of an author is known to a reviewer, and the name of a reviewer is not known to an author).

4. A reviewer answers the questions of the questionnaire and separately presents his own remarks in case they are available. The time period of preparing a review, indicated in the form, is 2 weeks.

5. The remarks of a reviewer are brought to an author’s notice and if necessary, the correspondence with a reviewer is executed through the editorial staff.

6. An author brings to editorial staff the updated according to the reviewer’s remarks variant of the paper and the answer to a reviewer, which are brought to the reviewer for repeated reviewing.

7. In disputed situations a paper is reviewed by to-three reviewers.   

8. A reviewer makes a final decision on the paper remaking and signs the review. Reviewing is one-sided and anonymous.

9. A decision on the paper publishing or rejection is made at the meeting of the editorial board.

10.The editorial staff sends the copies of the reviews or a motivated refusal to authors.

11.The editorial staff sends the copies of the reviews to the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science after receiving an appropriate request.

12. The reviews are stored at the editorial office for 5 years.

The publishing time period in case of a positive review is up to 6 months, in case of the paper remaking - up to 1 year.