
  Address of Editor-in-Chief

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In the whole world Electronics as a scientific-technical sphere is being developed at rapid rate.

An appearance of new ideas, fields requires their comprehension and development. And the reflection of this process in the scientific activity has become the purpose of the journal. On its pages the results of scientific-research works, performed in universities and scientific research institutes, methodical aspects of teaching with an account of the up-to-date requirements and educational forms are elucidated, the information about scientific conferences is given. The special issues based on subject features are formed.

Urgently reacting to the scientific situation in electronics, the editing board allows variations of the journal subject sections. This gives the possibility of discussing the new problems in the field of nanoelectronics, quantum computers, microsystem technology, etc, on the pages of the journal. Striving to reflect the current state in various areas of electronics, the journal regularly places on its pages the reviews, prepared by leading specialists in the field being discussed.

The editing staff of the journal considers itself to be responsible for the quality of information received by a reader, thoroughly chooses the papers and works with the authors. A wide range of specializations and high scientific level of the members of the editing board permits to give a stipulated assessment of received paper. However, it would be difficult without disinterested assistance of the reviews. The editing staff and authors are very grateful to them.

Our editors, designers and printing workers intensively work on every paper. Without their selfless labor it would be difficult to say about the high level of the journal. Only the unity of authors, editing board, reviewers, editing staff and other divisions of editing-printing complex of National Research University of Electronic Technology allows us to work successively.

Editor-in chief

Academician of RAS Yury Aleksandrovich Chaplygin