

(The rules of drawing up manuscripts have been in force since July 1, 2019)

ATTENTION! The papers are taken by the editorial staff only with an available agreement on the copyright transfer. The papers, recommended for publication in the journals Semiconductors and Russian Microelectronics, should be accompanied by the agreements of the copyright transfer.
The scientific-technical journal «Proceedings of universities. Electronics» publishes the original and review (custom) papers in English and Russian. The journal make up is executed in the editorial system, functioning in the network of the IBM-compatible computers. The Journal has the A4 format and is made by the digital printing technology.

    Papers devoted to the following fields are published in the Journal:

-   fundamental researches
-   electronics materials
-   technological processes and routes
-   integrated electronics elements
-   circuit engineering and designing
-   micro- and nanosystem technology
-   integrated radioelectronic devices
-   biomedical electronics
-   information-communication technologies
-   university education problems
-    brief reports
The following should be submitted:
1. Two copies of the paper, including abstracts, figures, tables, references, the list of authors and the information about them, prepared on a computer and printed out on a laser printer on white paper of A4 format with clear and legible font should be submitted.
2. The electronic version of the paper should be sent by e-mail.
3. The covering letter should be submitted on an official form.
4. The license agreement on the copyright transfer should be submitted in 2 copies here.
The paper should be signed by all authors.

The recommended volume of publications: for a paper – not exceeding 12 pages of text and 5 figures, for a brief report – not exceeding 4 pages of text and 2 figures.
The artical should contain an introduction, the main part, the conclusion.
The first page of the paper should be presented as follows: Universal Decimal Classification index (PACS); the name of the paper; the initials and the name of the author; the name of the institution, where the work has been performed; abstract in the Russian language, the keywords. Next follows the text of the paper. The paper should have through numeration.

Includes the main subject characteristic, the object problems, the study methods and results. The recommended volume: not less than 600 typographical units.
The abstracts should be printed out on separate pages:
- in English - with the name of the paper, the author’s initials, name and the name of the institution, where he (she) works;
- in Russian – with the name of the paper, the author’s initials, name and the name of the institution, where he (she works).
The abstracts should be followed by keywords in the Russian and English languages.
In the electronic version the abstracts in the Russian and English languages should be drawn up as separate text files.

- is printed with double lines pacing and the font size not less than the standard type one (point size 13, Times New Roman);

For typesetting of formulas in MS Word MS Equation 3.0 is used. The settings of the formula redactor Styles/Sizes are executed only by default. The numerated formulas (only those with references in the text are numbered) are made as a separate line and are located in the center.

1. Vector figures should be presented in the *.svg  file format ( Inkscape 0.92, versions 1.1). Оfficial site
2. The halftone figures (photos) may be presented in the TIFF format (without compression). Using MS Word is not allowed.
3. Photos may be presented in gradations of grey on matt paper (preferably of 9×12 cm format).
Each figure should be presented in a separate file. The format of figures should not exceed 15×22 cm. The figures should be mentioned and numbered.
The inscriptions under figures should be enclosed as a separate file.
The tables should be necessarily mentioned in the text and should have headings.

List of references:
- is drawn up according to GOST R 7.0.5-2008 <<References. General requirements and composition rules>>.
The references to the non-published papers are not allowed.

The list of authors and the information about them:
- is drawn up as a separate file;
- it is necessary to indicate: surname, name, full patronymic (in the Russian and English languages); scientific degree, academic status, appointment; place of work; official addresses (in the Russian and English languages); official telephones, e-mail.
- to indicate the author in charge of the paper promotion, for post-graduates – a scientific guide.
The publication of papers is free of charge.

The papers should be sent to the address: Russia, 124498, Moscow, Zelenograd, Bld.1, Shokin Sq., 1, MIET, editorial office of the Journal «Proceedings of universities. Electronics», room 7231.
Tel.: +7-499-734-62-05