
Principles, which must be followed by an author of scientific publications

     An author (or a group of authors) recognizes that he bears the initial responsibility for novelty and authenticity of the scientific study results, which implies an observance of the following principles:
- authors of papers must submit the authentic results of the studies performed.
     The deliberately erroneous or counterfeited statements are inadmissible.
- authors must guarantee that the study results, presented in the submitted manuscript, are completely original. The borrowed fragments or statements must be drawn up with the necessary indication of the author and the primary source. Excessive borrowings as well as plagiarism in any forms, including the non-drawn up citations, re-phrasing or appropriation the rights for the results of somebody else' studies are not ethic and inadmissible;
- it is necessary to acknowledge the contribution of all persons, who in any case have influenced the study execution, in particular, in the paper the references to the works, which had significance in the study execution, must be presented.
- authors must not submit to the Journal a manuscript previously presented to any other journal and being under consideration and also a paper already published in another journal;
- all persons, who have made a significant contribution to conducting studies, must be indicated as co-authors. It is inadmissible to indicate the persons, who have not taken part in the studies;
- if an author finds significant errors or inaccuracies in the paper at the stage of its consideration or after its publishing, he must as soon as possible notify the editorial staff about this.
     The code of ethics of scientific publications has been elaborated and approved by the Committee of ethics of scientific publications.
     The actual text of the Code is available at the permanent address