Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Elektronika

обложка 2018й.jpg

Published since October 1996
ISSN 1561–5405 
eISSN 2587–9960
DOI: 10.24151/1561-5405

The scientifical and technical journal «Proceedings of Universities. Electronics» publishes original research papers and review articles (invited submission) in Russian and in English. The Journal is focused on the actual problems of electronics. The term «electronics» embraces micro-, nano-, opto- and acoustoelectronics, photonics, vacuum and microwave electronics. The Journal highlights technological, physical and circuit engineering aspects of these fields in electronics.

The Journal presents the research insights of higher educational institutions, research institutes, Russian industrial enterprises, the instructional aspects of teaching with an account of the up-to-date requirements and forms of study. The Journal also publishes special issues dedicated to particularly current topics.

The Editorial Board of the Journal includes competent Russian scientists from leading institutes and scientific centers as well as foreign specialists.

The Editorial Board throughly reviews all submitted manuscripts which then are accepted or rejected by the Editorial Board meeting.

Selected papers of the authors of the Journal «Proceedings of Universities. Electronics» are published each year in additional issues of the journals Semiconductors (issue 13) and Russian Microelectronics (issue 7). These English-language journals are included into global citation indexes.

Since 2002, Supreme Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation has put the Journal «Proceedings of Universities. Electronics» in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of theses for a candidate or doctor degree of sciences must be published.

Research specialities and branches of human knowledge related to them, by which the journal is included into the List of peer-reviewed scientific periodicals, in which the main research results of dissertations for the degrees of Candidate of Sciences, Doctor of Sciences must be published.

Since Dec. 28, 2018 to Oct. 16, 2022
05.13.05. Elements and devices in computing hardware and control systems (Engineering Sciences)
05.13.12. Computer-aided engineering systems (branch-wise) (Engineering Sciences)
05.27.06. Technology and equipment for semiconductors, electronic materials and devices production  (Engineering Sciences)

Since Feb. 01, 2022
2.2.2. Electronic component base of micro- and nanoelectronics, quantum devices (Engineering Sciences)
2.2.8. Material, product, substance and natural environment control and diagnostic techniques and devices (Engineering Sciences)
2.3.1. System analysis, information handling and processing (Engineering Sciences)
2.3.3. Process industries automation and control (Engineering Sciences)
2.3.5. Mathware and software for computer systems, complexes and networks (Engineering Sciences)

Since March 20, 2023
1.3.5. Physical electronics (Engineering Sciences)
1.3.5. Physical electronics (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
1.3.8. Condensed matter physics (Engineering Sciences)
1.3.8. Condensed matter physics (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
1.3.11. Semiconductor physics (Engineering Sciences)
1.3.11. Semiconductor physics (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
1.3.12. Physics of magnetic phenomena (Engineering Sciences)
1.3.12. Physics of magnetic phenomena (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
2.2.1. Vacuum and plasma electronics (Engineering Sciences)
2.2.2. Electronic component base of micro- and nanoelectronics, quantum devices (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
2.2.3. Technology and equipment for electronic materials and devices production

The Journal is abstracted and indexed in full-text database eLIBRARY.RURussian Science Citation Index and Science Index Rating. In 2015 the Journal has been included into Science Citation Index.
Beginning from 2017, Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) are assigned to journal papers. The Journal's publisher MIET is a member of CrossRef.

The Journal is distributed practically in all regions of Russia, in countries of the Union of Independent States and in neighboring foreign countries. About 30 profile universities receive our Journal.